Sunday, July 7, 2013

Load Python Module Dynamically

There are times that we need to import some python module and, for whatever reasons, we will not know the name of the module until run-time. This can be achieved by built-in function __import__().

Dynamic loading python module is useful, for example, if we plan to read configuration from a file. Here is an example that allows us to load the module specified in sys.argv[1]:

config_file = sys.argv[1]
config = __import__(config_file)

For newer versions (2.7 and up), there are convenience wrappers for __import__(). We may use module importlib:

import importlib
config_file = sys.argv[1]
config = importlib.import_module(config_file)

Both __import__() and importlib.import_module() search modules in certain locations (e.g., sys.modules, sys.meta_path, sys.path). There are times that modules being loaded are not in those default locations. This can be achieved by using imp.load_source(), which allows us to load and initialize  modules implemented as  Python source files:

import imp
pathname = sys.argv[1]
config = imp.load_source(name, pathname)

where pathname is the path name of the configuration file.

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