Sunday, August 25, 2013

Automated Remote Backups with Rdiff-backup

One subtle feature of rdiff-backup is that it allows users to make remote backups over Internet using SSH, which makes remote backups very secure since data transferred is encrypted.

One problem is that SSH requires a password for logging, which is not convenient if we want to run rdiff-backup as a cron job. Here we show how to initiate rdiff-backups from a central backup server, and pull data from a farm of hosts to be backed up. For security reasons, the central server uses a non-root user account (rdiffbk) to perform backups, whereas root account is used on each host being backed up. Though root accounts are used on hosts being backed up, they are protected by SSH public-key authentication mechanism with forced-command-only option.

For convenience, I'll call the central backup server canine and three hosts to be backed up beagle, shepherd and terrier. For short, only works on canine and beagle will be shown.

Here is the procedure for backup server canine:
  1. generate one passphrase-free SSH key pair for each host being backed up,
  2. move corresponding ssh key to each host,
  3. create SSH configuration file, and
  4. create a cron job file
Step 1:  generate one passphrase-free SSH key pair for each host being backed up

To generate RSA type pair for host beagle, we issue

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_beagle-backup

where private key will be saved in file id_beagle-backup and public key

Step 2: move corresponding ssh key to each host

To move to host beagle, we may choose to use any preferred method (for example, ftp, sftp, or ssh-copy-id), since public key is not sensitive. Other hosts can be done similarly.

Step 3: create SSH configuration file

To define how to connect to host beagle with backup key, we place the following lines into file ~rdiffbk/.ssh/config. Other hosts need to be configured similarly.

host beagle-backup
    hostname beagle
    user root
    identifyfile ~rdiffbk/.ssh/id_beagle-backup
    protocol 2

Step 4: create a cron job file

The following cron job file automates the remote backups daily at 200am, 210am, and 220am, respectively.

0 2 * * * rdiff-backup beagle-backup::/remote_dir beagle/remote_dir
10 2 * * * rdiff-backup shepherd-backup::/remote_dir shepherd/remote_dir
20 2 * * * rdiff-backup terrier-backup::/remote_dir terrier/remote_dir

By default setting, rdiff-backup uses SSH to pipe remote data. Therefore, both SSH server and rdiff-backup are required in hosts to be backed up. 
What left on host beagle and others (shepherd, terrier) is simply to give permission to canine to access it (through SSH) and run rdiff-backup. This can be done in the following two steps:

Step I: create an authorized-keys file for root account

To enable SSH public key authentication for root account, we need to create the file /root/.ssh/authorized_keys, which consists public key for user rdiffbk@canine, forced command and other options. The public key ( should be available for beagle once we have done Step 2. A sample authorized_keys file is as follows:

command="rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /",from="canine",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3.... rdiffbk@canine

Here, for security reason, rdiff-backup server is restricted to real only, and
we disable port-forward, X11-forward and pty options. See here for more details.

Step II: configure SSH server for root access

As we saw here, this can be done by put the following line in the SSH server configuration file (sshd_config):

PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tips on Forced Command for SSH

In general, an SSH connection invokes a remote command chosen by the client. There are times that server should decide which command the client will run. The forced command enables us to achieve this goal.

There are two ways to forced command. One is through public-key authentication configuration in the file authorized_keys as we saw here. The other is thought the usage of the keyword ForceCommand in sshd_config. To restrict users run nothing but the alpine command, we put the following line in sshd_config:

ForceCommand /usr/bin/alpine

The major difference between these two are: configuration though public-key authentication applies to one user, and each user may have her/his own option; configuration through ForceCommand keyword may be system-wide, keyword Match should be used combinedly if ForceCommand should apply to certain user(s).

What if we want the user to not only execute a single command, but few fixed commands at user's choice, such as:
  • show process list (ps aux),
  • print system information (uname -a),
  • show who is logged on (who), or
  • start rdiff-backup server (rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /)
A simple wrapper script combined with the ForceCommand will suffice. Here is an example that allows user backup to invoke four different commands at user's choice.

With environment variable SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND,
the following script ( wraps all permitted commands:

# Script: /usr/local/bin/

        ps aux
        uname -a
        rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /
        echo "Only the following commands are available to you:"
        echo "ps, uname, who and rdiff"
        exit 1

The configuration (sshd_config) of ForceCommand with Match (user backup) is as follows:

Match User backup
    ForceCommand /usr/local/bin/

To show process list on ssh server, one issues:

ssh backup@server ps

where original command "ps" was passed to the wrapper script by environment variable SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND.

To backup directory tree /path_to_src on server to local directory /path_to_dst, one issues:

rdiff-backup --remote-schema "ssh -C %s rdiff" backup@server::/path_to_src /path_to_dst

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Root Access Control for SSH

Sshd has a separate access control mechanism for the root (superuser). The keyword PermitRootLogin specifies its usage.

The argument (option) for PermitRootLogin must be "no", "yes'', "without-password'', or ``forced-commands-only''. If this option is set to "no'', root is not allowed to log in.

If this option is set to "without-password'', password authentication is disabled for root. However, root may login in with GSSAPIAuthentication, HostbasedAuthentication or PubkeyAuthentication, if they are set properly.

If this option is set to "forced-commands-only'', root login with public key authentication is allowed, but only if the command option is specified (which may be useful for remote backup as we saw in the example of public-key-based configuration).  All other authentication methods are disabled in this setting.

Public-key-based Configuration for SSH server

Public key is one of the frequently used authentication methods in SSH. To set up public-key authentication for one's account on an SSH server, one creates an authentication file named authorized_keys (for OpenSSH), and lists key and options that provide access to one's account.

Each line (SSH protocol 2) in authorized_keys may contain:
  1. An (optional) set of authorization options for the key.
  2. A (required) key type string: ssh-dss for a DSA key, or ssh-rsa for an RSA key.
  3. The (required) base64-encoded public key.
  4. An (optional) descriptive comment.
The optional options consist of comma-separated option specifications, where no space is allowed, except within double quotes.  Some common option specifications are:

command="command": Specifies that the command to be executed
from="pattern-list": Specifies the permitted client name or IP address
no-port-forwarding: Forbids TCP forwarding
no-X11-forwarding: Forbids X11 forwarding
no-pty: Prevents tty allocation

The following example file specifies that:
the command "rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /" to be executed if client is from the machine named "beagle" where no port, X11 forwarding is allowed. Notice that all settings are in one line.

command="rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /",from="beagle",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3.... root@beagle

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Tips on SSH Client Configuration

OpenSSH client ssh obtains configuration data from sources in the following order:
  1.  command-line options,
  2.  user's configuration file (~/.ssh/config),
  3.  system-wide configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config)
Since each parameter may be defined in different sources, order of parameter definition is important. The ssh manual page (ssh_config) says that:
For each parameter, the first obtained value will be used.

Here are some frequently used parameters:
Each configuration file contains sections separated by host specifications that applies to all matching hosts specified by the Host parameter. The host is the hostname argument given on the command line.

Hostname: Specifies the real host name to log into.

IdentityFile: Specifies a file from which the user's public key authentication identity is read.

Port: Specifies the port number to connect on the remote host (if it is not 22).

User:  Specifies the user to log in as.

Here is an example configuration file (~/.ssh/config) for remote machine

host bob
        identityfile /somepath/.ssh/id_rsa_bob

        port 2222
        user root

With the above configuration file, once we issue:

ssh bob

which is equivalent to

ssh -i /somepath/.ssh/id_rsa_bob  -p 2222