Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An Introduction to Fabric

Fabric is described as a simple, Pythonic tool for application deployment or systems administration tasks. The fab tool simply imports your fabfile (fabfile.py, by default) and executes the function or functions at your disposal. There is no magic about fabric – anything we can do in a Python script can be done in a fabfile. Here is a small but complete fabfile that defines one task:

def hello(name="World"):
    print("Hello %s!" % name)

Calling fab hello will display the familiar message "Hello World!" However, we can personalize it by issuing:

$fab hello:name=Jay

The message shown will be: "Hello Jay!"

Below is another small fabfile that allows us to find kernel release as well as machine hardware of a remote system by using SSH:

from fabric.api import run

def host_type():
    run("uname -srm")

Since there is no remote host defined in the fabfile, we need to specify it (hostname) using option -H:

$fab -H hostname host_type

Fabric provides many command-execution functions, the following five are frequently used:
  • run(command) -- Run a shell command on a remote host.
  • sudo(comand) -- Run (with superuser privileges) a shell command on a remote host.
  • local(command) -- Run a command on the local host.
  • get(remote_path, local_path) -- Download one or more files from a remote host.
  • put(local_path, remote_path) -- Upload one or more files to a remote host.
Fabric also includes context managers for use with the with statement, the following three are commonly used:
  • settings(*args, **kwargs) -- Nest context managers and/or override env variables.
  • lcd(path) -- Update local current working directory.
  • cd(path) -- Update remote current working directory. 
The third sample fabfile allows us to deploy a Django project to three production servers (serv1, serv2 and serv3). In fact, it can be extended to deploy various applications. The deployment consists of the following steps:
  1. testing the project -- python manage.py test apps
  2. packing the project  -- tar czf /tmp/project.tgz .
  3. moving the packed file to server -- put("/tmp/project.tgz", "/path/to/serv/tmp/project.tgz") 
  4. unpacking the file -- run("tar xzf /path/to/serv/tmp/project.tgz"), and 
  5. deploying the project on server -- run("touch manage.py") 
To use it, we issue:
$fab install

from __future__ import with_statement
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.contrib.console import confirm

env.hosts = ['serv1', 'serv2', 'serv3']
env.user= "admin"

def test():
    Run test;  if it fails prompt the user for action.
    src_dir = "/path/to/local/src/directory"
    with settings(warn_only=True), lcd(src_dir):
        result = local("python manage.py test apps", capture=True)
    if result.failed and not confirm("Tests failed. Continue anyway?"):
        abort("Aborting at user request.")

def pack_move():
    Archive our current code and upload to servers.
    src_dir = "/path/to/local/src/directory"   
    with settings(warn_only=True), lcd(src_dir):
        local( "tar czf /tmp/project.tgz .")
    put( "/tmp/project.tgz", "/path/to/serv/tmp/project.tgz" )
    local( "rm /tmp/project.tgz" )

def install():
    Deploy the project on servers.
    dst_dir = "/path/to/serv/dst/directory"
    with settings(hide("warnings"), warn_only=True):
        if run("test -d %s" % dst_dir).failed:
            run("mkdir -p %s" % dst_dir)   
    with cd(dst_dir):
        run("tar xzf /path/to/serv/tmp/project.tgz")
        run("touch manage.py")
    run("rm -f /path/to/serv/tmp/project.tgz")


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Git -- Cheat Sheet

Here is a cheat sheet for git.

1. Create
git init                  # create a local repository
git clone <url>    # clone a repository from url

2. Commit
git commit -m "commit message"

3. Browse
git log                  # history of change
git status             # files changed in working directory
git diff                 # diff between working directory and the index
git diff HEAD       # diff between working directory and the most recent commit
git diff --cached   # diff between the index and the most recent commit
git show <object>   # show object
gitk                             # git repository (GUI) browser

4. Stage
git add <file>                  # add file to the index
git reset HEAD <file>    # unstage the staged file

5. Undo
git commit -a --amend          # fix the last commit
git reset --hard <commit>  # discard any changes and reset to the commit
git revert HEAD                      # revert the last commit
git revert <commit>             # revert the specific commit
git checkout -- <file>       # unmodify the modified file

6. Branch
git branch <new_branch>  # create a branch named new_branch based on HEAD
git branch -d <old_branch> # delete the branch named old_branch
git checkout <branch>           # switch to the branch
git checkout -b <branch>    # create a new branch then switch to it
git merge <branch>                # merge the specified branch into HEAD

7. Update
git fetch               # download latest changes from origin
git pull                 # fetch from and integrate (merge) with origin

8. Publish
git push                 # update origin