Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tips on Forced Command for SSH

In general, an SSH connection invokes a remote command chosen by the client. There are times that server should decide which command the client will run. The forced command enables us to achieve this goal.

There are two ways to forced command. One is through public-key authentication configuration in the file authorized_keys as we saw here. The other is thought the usage of the keyword ForceCommand in sshd_config. To restrict users run nothing but the alpine command, we put the following line in sshd_config:

ForceCommand /usr/bin/alpine

The major difference between these two are: configuration though public-key authentication applies to one user, and each user may have her/his own option; configuration through ForceCommand keyword may be system-wide, keyword Match should be used combinedly if ForceCommand should apply to certain user(s).

What if we want the user to not only execute a single command, but few fixed commands at user's choice, such as:
  • show process list (ps aux),
  • print system information (uname -a),
  • show who is logged on (who), or
  • start rdiff-backup server (rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /)
A simple wrapper script combined with the ForceCommand will suffice. Here is an example that allows user backup to invoke four different commands at user's choice.

With environment variable SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND,
the following script ( wraps all permitted commands:

# Script: /usr/local/bin/

        ps aux
        uname -a
        rdiff-backup --server --restrict-read-only /
        echo "Only the following commands are available to you:"
        echo "ps, uname, who and rdiff"
        exit 1

The configuration (sshd_config) of ForceCommand with Match (user backup) is as follows:

Match User backup
    ForceCommand /usr/local/bin/

To show process list on ssh server, one issues:

ssh backup@server ps

where original command "ps" was passed to the wrapper script by environment variable SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND.

To backup directory tree /path_to_src on server to local directory /path_to_dst, one issues:

rdiff-backup --remote-schema "ssh -C %s rdiff" backup@server::/path_to_src /path_to_dst

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