Wednesday, April 3, 2013

How to test Django development server remotely?

Django development server is intended only for use while developing. There are times that we need to test Django applications remotely through development server. Thought we may bind the development server to some public IPs to achieve this, it is not a good practice in general for various reasons. Ssh port forwarding provides a much secure way for remote testing of Django development server. Let serv be the server where Django development server resides, test the remote host where you want to conduct the tests. Here is a how-to.

1. On host serv, start your development server:
python runserver 8080
where 8080 is any port number of your choice.

2. On host test, start ssh port forwarding:
ssh -L 9090:localhost:8080 user@serv
where 9090 is the port number providing remote service.

3. On host test, point your browser to localhost:9090 to perform tests.

If you want to test the development server through other hosts, say  third, you should enable gateway forwarding on host test by issuing:

ssh -g -L 9090:localhost:8080 user@serv

Then you may perform tests through host third by pointing your browser to test:9090.

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