1. simple backing up (backup local directory foo to local directory bar):
rdiff-backup foo bar
2. simple remote backing up (backup local directory /some/local_dir to directory /whatever/remote_dir on machine hostname.net):
rdiff-backup /some/local_dir hostname.net:://whatever/remote_dir
Ssh will be used to open the necessary pipe for remote backing up.
3. simple restoring from previous backup (restore from bar/dir to foo/dir):
cp -a bar/dir foo/dir
4. simple restoring from the latest remote backup (restore from hostname.net:://whatever/remote_dir to local directory /some/local_dir):
rdiff-backup -r now hostname.net:://whatever/remote_dir /some/local_dir
5. restoring from a certain version of a remote backup (restore from backup done 15 days ago):
rdiff-backup -r 15D hostname.net:://whatever/remote_dir /some/local_dir
6. restoring from an increment file (restore file pg.py to its version dated 2011-11-30T00:28:38+08:00)
/pg.py.2011-11-30T00:28:38+08:00.diff.gz /local_dir/pg.py